Hey, I’m Anita and I hate writing my own “about me” page (ugh, who really cares anyway?). I’ve been creating content and copy for folks since 2020, specializing in long-form content. I enjoy creating connections and building relationships, and I found a way to do that on a much larger scale than just working in customer service – through writing!

A: Unfortunately, it took me years of schooling and an internship to decide that a traditional 9-5 career isn’t for me. I love traveling with my husband and value my home life more than anything, so, freelancing was the only thing I could actually imagine myself doing for a long time.


A: I appreciate that my clients get the best version of me because I choose when to work. I feel so much more motivated to create engaging content when I can take advantage of being inspired.

A: Talking about work? Freelance influencers who constantly post generic information on how to make $1 trillion bajillion a year. Also, clients who think $.06 per word is a good rate.

Outside of work? Digging through a basket of clean laundry to find a specific black shirt in a sea of black clothing. And dirty floors.

A: I like creating long-form blog content and articles. It’s the deep dive into research that’s fun for me. I enjoy turning information into something engaging to read.

A: I work with just about anyone who needs top notch content and copy, I don’t judge! Whether it’s a startup or seasoned company, I want to help. Even if the industry is outside of my niche, if I’m confident I can get the job done well, I’m up for the challenge!


A: That sounds a little harsh. Who wouldn’t trust that cute baby? ← Just kidding. I could do backflips and tricks to try to get you to trust me but honestly, trust has to be earned. Your best bet is to send me a message and see if there’s a connection.

A: I live health and wellness. I work out 5 days a week and read the ingredient label of every item I buy. I treated my eczema with minerals and take a natural approach to any health implication that arises.

As for writing, I attended Southern New Hampshire University and earned a degree in Communications and Professional Writing. I’ve been a writer since 2015 when I discovered my fondness of it. I’ve written for many folks, large companies and small. I have over 4 years of marketing and customer relations experience. Is that good enough?!

Blog at WordPress.com.